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About Us

Our Community based Childcare facility opened in September 2007, there was a huge need for childcare services in the Edgeworthstown area and the Community Childcare Committee has been working hard to provide a facility over the past six years. Carmel Noone of Edgeworthstown District Development first set up an  after school homework service in 2001 which went extremley well and successful for both children and parents. In 2004 the Community Childcare Committee set up a pre - school service and on the success of these projects they applied for funding from the Department of Health and Children/Pobal for a fulltime facility. The state of the art creche was built and now caters for 120 children. 

We are under the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) It is the first ever statutory entitlement to financial support for childcare. It establishes an equitable and progressive system of universal and income-related subsidies for children up to the age of 15. It also provides an innovative and user-friendly online application process to access those subsidies. 

You can apply online for the subsidy using your MyGovID.

To make a paper application, please contact the NCS Parent Support Centre - 01 9068530


The National (CSS) operates as part of the National Childcare Investment Programme (NCIP) which is administered by the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA) , working with Pobal and the City and County Childcare Committees.

We are under the School Meals Local Projects Scheme. The School Meals Programme funding is to meet the food costs of groups currently operating innovative school meals projects.

We were recently selected to receive funding with the EBS Community fund.


For further information if you would like to contact us please call the Centre Manager, Margaret Glancy on 043 6672534

or email or administrator  

Margaret Glancy
Centre Manager


Carolyn Farrell

(Preschool Team Leader / Deputy Manager)    





Charlene Oates

(Preschool & Afterschool)


Joanne Rossiter

(Baby & Toddler Room Leader)


Catherine Carrig



Clare Kennedy

(Preschool Team Leader)


Mary O Reilly

(Baby & Toddler room) 


Grainne Hogan

(Preschool & baby/toddler)







   Helen Cox 

  (Preschool & Afterschool)                                                                                                           


Lisa Hunt






Martina Ledwith

(Preschool & Afterschool)


Geraldine Farrell



 Ivie Nagle


Mary Flynn

(Baby & Toddler)


 Edel Masterson
(Preshool & Afterschool)



Lisa Maguire




Catherine Duffy

Kelly Jordan Sheridan




Michelle Lynn  (Chef)                                                                                                                                                                               Sheila Martin (Chef)


Ligita Kumutaityte (Cleaner)                                                                                                                                   Oisin Tierney ( Maintenance)








This Childcare project is funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

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